Are you one of those people who dread Sunday evening? Well, so am I. I was this way for a long time until I decided that I hated feeling this way.We all want to have thriving days because it makes us feel good on the inside. one thing I learned is that the mindset shapes my day, and with that I developed a morning routine that got me out of a slump. Below, I will show you some of the things I do to prepare mentally for a positive day.
One of the first things I do in the morning when I wake is thank the Lord for waking me up to see another day. Then, I do a big stretch. Yes, it is a quite dramatic stretch. However afterwards I feel a lot better and a little more awake. I found some benefits that I would like to share with you about stretching first thing in the morning
One of the first things I do in the morning when I wake is thank the Lord for waking me up to see another day.
Tiffany Crum
- Stretching first thing in the morning decrease has stress
- It helps with boosting your energy
- It also increases your stamina
So you don’t know where to begin I’ll help you with that as well because I care so much about making sure that you start your day on a better note, here are a few stretches for you to try
- Start by doing side stretching and loosening up your muscles
- next you’re going to want to stretch those legs and those calf muscles especially
- you’re going to bring your knees to your chest and that’s going to open up your lungs
- last we’re going to finish it out with a glute bridge to help get those back and butt muscles awake
Okay now that we have stretched and loosened up our muscles and opened up, we are now going to look at getting organized. with that I don’t mean just physical organization I mean mental organization. yes! you can get mentally organized for your day. Mental organization helps with things like
- Reducing anxiety and depression
- helping you be more productive throughout the day
- also frees up time doing other activities that make you feel good
Mental organization works a lot like regular Organization for example if you were organizing the pantry is all about labeling things and getting things in the proper place.
that is one of the biggest things that helped me feel more productive in my life with being able to pinpoint everything I’ve done to see the progress.