The Back Story
Around 2017 after I had my youngest son I had developed acne on my cheeks and jawline. The cystic, deep, and painful type at that. Not only was it hard to see it, but getting rid of it was extremely difficult. When Parker was three months old we found out we were expecting twins. Yay! But I did not have the time to correct the issues do to the fact I was pregnant again.
I thought the acne was due to pregnancy hormones so I figured once I was done having kids the problem would resolve. After the girls were born in February of 2018, I gave myself about six months to gather myself and get these hormones situated. Needless to say, it would not be until 2022 that I made some lead way.

The First Step
In this instance, I just figured it was postpartum body issues. It was actually a list of things and this is when reality hit. The problems included
- Insulin Restiance
- Estrogen Dominance
- Pre-Diabetic
- Obesity
- Dehydration
SO…….yes, I was taken aback by this list because what the heck!?!?! Trying to find a starting place was confusing but also I had a number of things that were contributing to the problems I had going on. I dove right in on researching what I needed for PCOS. It seemed to be the main problem of my hormones being dysregulated. That was a deep dive I was not ready for, but I did find some staple meds that helped me get started
I’m going to go ahead and tell you, if you present this to your doctor, the first things they will give you is metformin and spironolactone. Why? Metformin is a diabetic medication that helps with sugar regulation and increasing insulin sensitivity in the body and “Spiro” is gonna help with some of the ugly symptoms of PCOS. Hair loss and facial hair are two really big concerns for us PCOS’ers.
Two Natural Supplements
When we think about medicine we often think about the nasty side effects that come with them. Metformin side effects are not cute by any means!
The amount of times I almost did not make it is insane and my body never adjusted to it. One time, I thought I had it down packed and my dose was increased. Upon doing research I kept seeing Myo-Inositol. This stuff is so good! It helped regulate my cycles, I got a little more energy, and I wasn’t hungry all the time. I have taken it in a powder form also and it was just as good and it does not have a taste of any kind so it could be added to water. This stuff is a must!
Dim-Estro has also been a blessing. I played around with this one awhile but this really aided in clearing my skin. It has the ability to filter estrogen in the body the proper way. A lot of people with PCOS have a estrogen dominance. This is from my own experience so please consult a physician before taking either supplement.