Life has really been a roller coaster and moving fast. Sometimes I want to hit an emergency break so I can take time to breathe. However, we cannot. We cannot stop this roller coaster called life. So we just have to buckle up and throw our hands up. The only scary thing about all of this is the fact that we have to know when the adventure is to much.
Embracing Change
One thing we know and can all relate to is that nothing stays the same. It is scary, but if we view change as growth then it will help us progress. I am very big on everything being done the same way. Why? Its’s comfortable and we all like to be comfy. But, if we do the things that make us uncomfortable, we can experience new things and change. Whether it be alone, with family, or your spouse, it’s an opportunity to experience a piece of life that can expel you forward. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy like sky diving but, even something small like changing your morning routine can help.
Things To Change For Progress
Small changes counts just as much. We all have different personalities, so what may be small for some is huge for another. Things like taking a new route to work daily or weekly is a start. Waking up earlier in 5, 10, and 15 minute increments. How about adding to that nightly routine to help destress? These are little, but open you up to the idea of change. In turn, will get you unstuck in the area of complacency.

Internal Change
I wrote an article about trauma and how it effects us. How we are actually living in survival mode to protect ourselves from potential threat. That alone leaves us stuck in a state of negative cycles. Negative traits, thoughts, and ideas will always do more harm then good. We hear often that we must change our thinking and we will change our lives. I agree, but we must know that self compassion and self love will take us far also.
To Much Self-Love
I’m not talking about vain self-love or me-me-me self-love. No the self-love to look back on prior mistakes and prior hurt and release them and let them go. That negative internal self-talk is an internal homicide. Chipping away at your self-worth, self-compassion, and self-love. It has us out here looking for things we cannot give ourselves. Internal healing is one of the most important things about change. True change.
“Unmet desires become drivers of behavior
― Laura Gagnon, The Book Satan Doesn’t Want You To Read
to satisfy unfulfilled needs, sometimes at
significant cost to the individual.”